April 2021 Edition

As an old TV show used to say, “HI, AND HOW ARE YOU?” I just want to let you know I'm doing great! I wonder about each of you and your precious families so get your acts together and let me hear from you by email, newsletter, phone calls, FaceTime, Pony Express ...
A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly, but a good laugh bursts from the soul, overflows, and bubbles all around ~ Carolyn Birmingham
It has been suggested that I let y'all know what has been going on with my health. For a long time I have had this deep aching in my lower back. I was beginning to stoop over more and more. I was often asked to “stand up straight, Mom”, which I always tried to do. My family doctor, Melody, referred me to Dr. Doll at the Center for Specialty Surgery of Austin. It was decided to have the first of two test procedures to inject steroids into my lower back/spine. This helped some, so a month later I had the same procedure done again. This was to prepare me for the “oblation” procedure to “burn” the nerves. This was six injections, three on each side of my spine. That was not very much fun but I was somewhat sedated for this, like the twilight zone, so it helped. This procedure should last approximately 6 months. After each procedure Scot and I would stop for some lunch. The sedation lasted for several hours and, with ice packs off and on, I wasn't uncomfortable. I feel much better and am learning to walk “straight up“. Stooping over is a habit I'm trying to break. I believe this is the procedure that Juli has done on her neck/shoulder area.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.
I would like to say that I'm feeling good. When Angie was here she always had my breakfast ready in the way that was in keeping with our food program. So far, I've lost 19 pounds and continue to try to eat right. Yea me and yea Angie.

Be true to your teeth, or they will be false to you.
I get up and get dressed so that I'm ready to go out to eat lunch with whomever is around at the time. Most of the time that's Scot. This get's me up and out of my recliner for a while, which is good.

I'm so glad spring is here. I enjoy sitting out on the porch on nice days and love watching the colorful birds and working my word search puzzles. I'm watching for the first hummingbird of the season. It thrills me when I see my favorite bird, the Painted Bunting, on the feeders.

Each of you goes through my mind every day and I miss being able to be together in an “up close and personal way”. God bless us all.

April is a very important and busy month what with so many birthdays and the whole area turning blue with our state flower BLUEBONNETS ... but another event has been our annual BUTTERFLY FESTIVAL where we gather to release thousands of beautiful butterflies ... many in memory of loved ones ... I would like to virtually release a few but one in particular is for my beloved grandson Jason who left us too soon.
April 2nd - Kaylee
April 3rd - Amber
April 9th - Christi
April 17th - Robin
April 27th - Archie
Questions for the Editor-in-Chief

If there is a recipe, story, joke, photo or anything else you'd like to ask the Editor-in-Chief, Momz, please submit your request to her via email at momzb@aol.com and she'll respond to them in the following issue.

As a reminder, we'd love to have your family's stories, musings, photos, jokes, artwork, upcoming events, awards or just about anything you'd like to contribute. We love knowing how our precious families are doing. So, please keep in touch!



Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.