Sammi got the girls the most adorable matching St. Patrick's Day outfits.
Aren't they the most precious little leprechauns?

Nadia and Zoe on their swing set. They love their swing set. Nadia and
Kathryn enjoy climbing and hanging from the tippy top!
Kathryn got a karaoke machine for Christmas.
Everyone enjoys getting in on the action, even Bryan!

Zoe is getting so big! She's already 16 months old! She is walking
and jabbering up a storm. She already knows several words
and is extremely independent.

The girls have a really nice playground in their neighborhood. They love
swinging, climbing, going on the merry-go-round, sliding and did I mention
climbing?!? They even met some neighbors with several Bearded

Fortunately during this COVID era we have
FaceTime to keep us connected visually. It's
been helpful to help Zoe remember family
members who are long distance.
Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.