Well, hello there Brinkley Clan. 🤪

I'm not much of a writer 😜, but for my Momz 😘 I'll give it a go. 🥰

My days are spent tending to my furbabies 🐶🐶, working 👩💻, cooking 👩🍳, laundry 🧺, and a little TV 📺 time at the end of the day.

Furbabies are Mango 🐶 and Tucker 🐶, you can read a little about them on the pet page. BUT they are a big source of joy and irritation.

Gary owns a security 🔫 company, so I work for him. I manage the day-to-day scheduling 📆, phone calls ☎, accounting 💰, etc. I get to work from home so that makes life so much easier (changing from pajamas to yoga pants is my idea of dressing up).

I am not really a fan of cooking 👩🍳, but I know it must be done. (Adulting sucks! just in case you haven't been told). I go through phases of cooking and then phases of picking up food. Mom and I have been trying to eat better and lose weight. So, we are following an eating plan called the 2B Mindset (I've lost 30 pounds so far!!!!) but I've hit a plateau, not because of an actual plateau, but because my old eating habits are creeping back in 🤦♀🙄.

Laundry 🧺, if you are anything like me you let ALL the clothes get worn and then decide “oh I need to do laundry” and spend a week getting it all washed, folded (or piled, no judgement here), and put away (again no judgement if it's piled on your treadmill/pool table/dining room table/guest bed). I go through phases with that too, sometimes I do a load of laundry each day to stay in front of the 🗻 mountain, that phase is short lived, and the mountain 🗻 becomes something like Everest.

At the end of the day I allow myself to watch 2 hours of TV. I am fairly certain most of you are unaware, but I have battled with depression and anxiety for several years. I have taken meds for it which, I find, don't help me. (They help some people, just not me). What I do find that helps is routine. Wake up at the same time every day, keep my to do list close by, WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN, and a big one is not letting myself watch too much TV. When I do I get lost in the abyss and that's when I notice the effects of the depression start creeping back in. NOW, I don't say any of that to make anyone feel bad, worry, or pity me. PLEASE DON'T. I am just being honest about what a day in my life is like. After all, we are family and that's what this newsletter is for, to get caught up with each other.

One thing I forgot to mention, and it is actually the most important parts of my day. The very first thing I do EVERY morning is open my Bible app, read the verse of the day and read in my Bible for about an hour. And the very last thing I do most days is read in my Bible before I turn the lights out. I have read through the whole Bible each year for the past 3 years and am doing so again this year. I have a reading plan this year that is going in chronological order of when the Bible was written, I am really enjoying that.

Anywho ... that's all I've got to say today. 🥳

Love 💗 you all!

Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.