It's All About The Music

Quite a lot has happened in my life over the years, too much to explain really, so I've chosen just one topic that's not too difficult to cover. This piece is about my reconnection to music. These days my house is cluttered with guitars, amplifiers, music sheets (charts, as they're referred to in Oz) and the occasional keyboard.

I owe this reconnection to an even greater and more significant reconnect with my spiritualism. Notice, I didn't use the word religion, as I've learned a lot about religion and know that I want no part of it. Instead, I choose to have a personal relationship with God, He and I can walk into any worship service, of any religion, and have a meaningful one-on-one experience between the two of us, but this was supposed to be about the music!

Through my association with a local church, I had come in contact with numerous musicians and singers from the Praise and Worship Team. In just a short while, I was sitting-in on rehearsals, playing guitar and on occasion singing backup. As friendships strengthened, I became an accepted fixture within the music community, often developing music for lines of unfinished songs, as well as co-writing new songs from scratch; these days I'm writing quite a few of my own.

My very close and dear friend, Andre'a (sitting to the right side of me in the photo to the left, standing, is Tim who plays bass and Louise is a keyboardist and singer). Andre'a is an awesome singer and had recorded and published five pieces of her own work. From time to time I get to sit-in to play guitar and provide harmony backup for her live performances. Andre'a and I co-wrote several songs, one named Father, we are currently rehearsing to record for her second CD.

Well, there you have it! There's not too much more I can say about the music. Perhaps one day I could share one of my songs via a different platform. In the meantime, may the music brighten up your day.

Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.