It was a cold dark night when two women and a man walked down the drive. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a patch of ice appeared ... up their feet went and down they came ... the 200+ pound man landing squarely on top of one of the women. After a few minutes her vision cleared and she began to try to get up only to feel terrible pain shooting up both of her arms. Scream? You betcha, she screamed!!! You would, too. She was loaded into a car and quickly, but carefully, driven to the emergency room where she was diagnosed with a fractured right wrist and a broken left wrist. With both arms in casts from her fingertips to up passed her elbows, and unable to do much for herself, she put out a call to the person she knew would answer. No, not Batman ... it's me ... Angie. Yep ... Stephanie is this casualty of The Great Winter Storm of ‘21.

I've come to stay with her until she's able to use her arms and fend for herself. I'm REALLY enjoying doing dishes, laundry, and other assorted household chores ... NOT!!! LOL Fortunately, I don't have to cook!!! Steph's wonderful friends, Christy and Greg, are so sweet to bring a new delicious food dish every night. The plus to being here is that I get to hang out with Steph AND my furry grandags. When she sees her orthopedic surgeon this Friday he will determine whether or not she'll need surgery on the wrist with the bad break. Either way, the casts will stay on for about 6 weeks. You can relate, can't you, Cole? LOL

Stephanie invited me to bring my furry son, Walter, and he's having so much fun reacquainting himself with his siblings. I know Momz and Scot are missing him being at home ... isn't that right, Scot?

Stay tuned to the next episode of “How Our World Turns” in the April issue of Momz's Roadrunner Express. Blessings~

Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.