Send us cute pics and things about your furbabies and we'll add them here! 


Mango is a boy 9/30/2006
Mango like to nap, play with his ball, and make sure his brother knows he's the boss.
Mango also like to make sure no one and nothing are in front of or flying over his house.


Tucker is a boy 10/20/2017
Tucker like to nap, try to make his brother play, try to sneak his brother ball away (even though he has his own toy that he likes), irritate his brother, get hugs, and be held like a baby


Kit is 7 this year. He was another foster fail of Juli's that she bottle fed. He rules the property and is known to catch mice and, sadly, birds on occasion. He's a bit standoffish, but warms up to you when he trusts you. He hangs out at Momz's and Scot is good to watch out for and take care of him.


Walter was a tiny new kitten when his litter was left with the Humane Society on 05/14/20. They called Stephanie, since she had signed up with them to foster kittens, and she became their foster mom. Stephanie named Walter after Jason's favorite character on one of his favorite TV shows, Breaking Bad. When he was old enough I adopted him and brought him to live with me at Momz's house. Since Walter's name was a connection to Jason I didn't have the heart to change it. He's been a precious addition to my life and I can't imagine being without him. Momz spoils him terribly with treats throughout the day and he enjoys his playtime with Scot. He's a wiry little guy during the day and a great snuggler at night. I'm so thankful that God brought him to Stephanie and then into our lives. Angie~


The homestead is blessed with 10 hens, 2 guineas and 1 rooster that joined us this past spring as pullets. What's a pullet, you might ask? That's what baby chicks are called. BTW, Scot's favorites are those last two mentioned. LOL!

They are very patient and sweet.... even though theylve had quite a traumatic upbringing. From being tormented by a few snakes and rats to a fire ... whew! Needless to say, they've endured much in their short lives, but they yield eggs nonetheless. We love 'em (except for Scot ... him not so much!)



Smalls will turn 2 in May. You might be wondering where the name “Smalls” came from. Well, it goes back to his kitten phase. Juli fostered a mama cat right before she gave birth to 5 kittens. A day or two later the shelter asked if Juli would take in a single kitten that someone found ... he couldn't have been more than a day or two old. The mama cat took him right in. As the kittens aged Smalls was the tiniest, he wasn't very cute ... just really scruffy. But, he was the most brave. When it came time to give the kittens up Juli couldn't part with Smalls. Even though he was a stinker (as in “you're killing me smalls”) they bonded and the rest is history. Smalls is the Alpha of the trio in the Dearrington household.


Loki turns 3 this month! Happy Birthday Loki! Loki came to us by way of Juli rescuing his litter of 6 Great Danes from a really bad situation. The puppies were going to be put down, but we couldn't have that. Loki and Juli bonded and she was able to find the rest of them furrrrever homes.

Loki is a HUGE, lovey lap dog ... can you imagine? And he loves to play. One of his favorite games is pulling his brother's, Duke, tail until Duke chases him. He also enjoys “nomming” on his cat brother, Smalls.


11 years ago Juli brought Link home for Bryan. Link lived with Bryan until they had to move and Link went to live with Juli. Since he was an outside cat, Link often visited at Momz's house where she did one of the things she does best ... spoil animals. Eventually, Link became a permanent resident at Momz's house where he enjoys sleeping in comfy laps and eating delicious treats. Momz said Link's name is too short so she dubbed him “Mr. Lincoln”. She said, “I pray for him every night.” Link used up one of his lives a few years ago when he got locked in Scot's truck for 3 days. It was during the heat of summer and he didn't have any food or water. His cat friend, Ronan, led Scot to find him. He was a very happy feline that day. I guess you could say he was the missing link ... brr-um-bum!


Duke is a sweet and loyal Border Collie. He is 6 1/2 and came to us via adoption. He was surrendered by the same family to a shelter not once, but twice. He was terrified of men and we later discovered that he'd been abused by someone using severe and incorrect training methods. Duke is super smart and wants to be everybody's friend. We love him to death!


Stormy's beloved labrador retrievers.

Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.