If you think you may have solved Scot's coded message, send your answers to Momz or Angie for next month's publication to be posted here! Answer to this phrase will be in next month's issue .... *tick tock*

May Puzzle #1 Solution: its up against the wall you redneck what? (mother)

May Puzzle #2 Solution: step on a crack and break whos back? (your mother)

May Puzzle #3 Solution: the acronym moab stands for what of all bombs? (mother)

May Puzzle #4 Solution: old mother hubbard went to the cupboard to get uncle archie a bud lite. the cupboard was bare because larry, cole, matt, marshall, blake, and bryan had already beat her to it. momz fussed and fussed at them because she didn't like seeing them acting like their parents do when they get inebriated and fall into the cactus, bushes or down a flight of stairs. beer can be very entertaining to those of us who dont partake in such sophistication. if this puzzle isn't long enough then youll just have to wait for next time for more.

May Puzzle Solvers: Momz, Angie

Brrrr Um Bum!

What did the drummer call his twin daughters? Anna one, Anna two!

Who Do You Love?

I'm starting a new dating service in Prague. It's called Czech-Mate.

Help Wanted!

Hired a handy man and gave him a list. When I got back home he only did #1, #3 and #5. Turns out, he only does odd jobs.

Good Neighbors!

As I was getting to bed, she told me “ you are drunk”. How did you know, I asked. She said “you live next door!”

Far Out!

Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere!

Water You Waiting For?

How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it!

Gimme' a Rim Shot!

A sheep, a drum, and a snake fall off a cliff ... Ba-dumm-tsss!
Submitted by Jeff Squyres

Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.