Well ... funny thing happened on my way to training for the May Hays & Guadalupe Counties Heart Walk. I took a detour to the Hays Seton Hospital emergency room and was a guest of theirs for a few days instead. What the heck??!! I didn't have time for that!!! But, “it is what it is”, as Jason always said. Or, “it was what it was”, as I would say now, after the fact. I want to say a big THANK YOU to each of you for your positive thoughts, prayers and concern for me. Your faithful and constant love played a huge part in springing me from that “joint” ... I truly believe that. I love each of you so much. 🧡

Speaking of love ... I know ... here she goes again talking about sappy mushy stuff ... but, stay with me for a minute.

Do you realize that we are members of a rare group of people? Stop and think about it. How many other families do you know that love each other in good times and in bad, forgive wrongs done (real or imagined) and come to the assistance/rescue/aid (physical, financial or spiritual) of each other like ours does? Sure, we get our feelings hurt as a result of something that was said, done or texted. We're human, after all. And, of course there are some of our personalities that are a bit more difficult to tolerate, at times (I'm one of those, I know). But, when it comes right down to it ... we're there for each other (wherever “there” is). You know I'm right. We're very special and that kind of love has been passed down from generation to generation. It's up to us to keep it going. The point I'm trying to make is, don't wait until another tragedy occurs to cause us to stop and say ... “I wish I had spent more time with him/her.” or “I should have told them ______.” Let's take a few minutes and recall the things we promised ourselves 25 months ago. Let's be sure to instill that kind of family love in our children. It will be a lifeline for them as they grow up. Our family is FOR you, ALWAYS, in one way or another. Please teach our precious children this powerful truth.

But I digress ... back to the first paragraph. Since I missed the Hays & Guadalupe Counties Heart Walk I've had to find alternate walks to be my “carrot” and have found many walks (virtual and real) on the American Volkssport Association website. There are walks for my area, state, nation and even other countries. The virtual walks have check-in and check-out points so that a person can track their progress in their log book. If you're interested in learning more, check them out at www.ava.org. Give it a shot (as Kathryn says). Heart healthy ... that's my goal. Oh, that reminds me. My doctors told me that the DASH diet is the best diet to maintain a healthy heart. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (which runs rampant in our family). Stay tuned for pics of my adventures. Until next month ~

Keep walkin’

Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.