Patti's Low-down!

Whew! May was a busy month here at our ranchette. It started with a girlfriend slumber party in Lockhart at Claire & Bill Selman's ranch
celebrating the spring and summer birthdays. We stayed up late and caught up on everyone's life happenings. Wonderful memories were made as we reminisced of days gone by. On my way home I stopped by Momz's and spent the night with them. Scot, Angie and I stayed up late watching a movie. We had a nice visit.

Larry and I planted plants and worked in flowerbeds. Our front flowerbed that was overflowing with yuccas froze during the snow and ice storm so Larry dug it up and prepared the bed with compost in preparation for planting a butterfly garden. We went to Medina Garden Nursery and
Ernesto (he is very knowledgeable on native plants) helped me pick out plants to fill our 10' x 10' flowerbed. The plants are starting to bloom and I am anxious to see all the different colors blooming at the same time.

I met Robin at Mom's for a Mother’s Day celebration. Angie ended up in the hospital so Robin and I extended our stay so we could visit with her
when she got out. We were going to go to Palmer's for Mother's Day brunch but decided to go to Hays City Store instead. Those who went were Momz, Robin, Scot, John, Juli and yours truly. We sat at a tall table and we “muthas” ordered a “Mom”osa Flight. As usual, Momz kept us all laughing. There were two little girls sitting at the table behind us. Momz called them over and gave them one of her special rocks. Check out the pictures section of the newsletter. She will probably tell y'all about her gift we gave her.

Here it is June already and time to recognize and celebrate our fathers. Popz was our patriarch and is missed tremendously. He was a wonderful father who set a good example for our young adult fathers. He loved his family, from the youngest to the oldest. What a wonderful day it will be
when we all are together again!

June is also special for Larry and me as we celebrate our 47th Anniversary, WOW! I have been blessed with a man who loves me and provides for my every need.

My prayer is that all my loved ones are well, financially stable and feel the love that flows through our family. I love you all! God bless each and every one of you.

Ava's Early College

Ava has been accepted to the Early College program through high school. There are several steps to qualify for Early College courses. She had to take a test called the TSI, one for reading and one for math. Passing that test showed she is college ready. Early College allows her to take college classes while she’s still in high school and to earn enough credit hours to graduate with an Associate degree, along with her high school diploma.

When Ava graduates from high school she will have earned 62 college hours, which is equivalent to an Associate degree. She will then finish college in two years, if all goes as planned.

We are so proud of Ava and all of her hard work! She will start summer AP studies the first week of June.

Submitted by a proud Mimi 😊

Joaquin's Awards

Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.