July 2021 Edition
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“What did you mean by that, Mom-z?” asked my grandson and photographer extraordinaire, Jason, when I used the word “unique” in my comment about one of his photos on the web. Well ... I tried to explain that I had not seen such an unusual picture as “little purple flowers growing out of some old huge gray rocks in a cluster on the edge of a river” before. He thought about that ... paused ... “Oh, ok, thank you.” was Jason's comment. He always thanked everyone for the comments they made, like “Thank You, I appreciate your comment” or “I try to use such and such settings.” That was so very thoughtful. I checked the dictionary to see what it had to say about the word ‘unique’. This is what I found ...

  1. Memorably beautiful
  2. Only one of a kind, unlike anything else
  3. One’s own style

I believe either one, or all, of those would apply to my explanations to Jason.

Another photo that I could make the comment ‘unique’ to is of Jason sitting inside of an old Kodak camera looking forward. He was so very handsome. One more of his photos is of him standing to the side with his back to the camera looking at a long bridge.

I have to mention one of MY photos that is ‘only one of a kind, unlike anything else’ is of Jason sitting on one of my ‘jelly bean’ bar stools watching his beautiful wife, Stephanie, learn to make pie crust by instructor, ME, Mom-z. And, the photo I took of four cousins; Jason, Cole, Matt and Marshall, at a family reunion, all standing together while BBQing and smoking cigars that Jason brought for the ‘Big Boys’. At family gatherings Jason was so thoughtful and caring to include his younger cousins, Blake and Bryan, with the older cousins around fire pits, while cooking out or just chillin’. I'm sure they were talking about news of the day ... NOT.

Jason was sure to make time for Stephanie and him to hang out with friends and for special occasions. Whether they were dressed up or casual, Jason was always so handsome and Stephanie was always so beautiful.

Why did I write about the word ‘unique’, you might ask? Now you know, I think. I wonder ... do you have a unique photo?

July 5th - Ava Lane
July 6th - Ethan
July 26th - Jackson
July 28th - M.J.
July 29th - Collin
July 31st - Sunny Brook
Questions for the Editor-in-Chief

If there is a recipe, story, joke, photo or anything else you'd like to ask the Editor-in-Chief, Momz, please submit your request to her via email at momzb@aol.com and she'll respond to them in the following issue.

As a reminder, we'd love to have your family's stories, musings, photos, jokes, artwork, upcoming events, awards or just about anything you'd like to contribute. We love knowing how our precious families are doing. So, please keep in touch!

CLICK HERE to check out the comments page!
Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.