Put One Foot In Front of the Other...

Think back... way back... farther... farther... Now, remember the animated Christmas special Santa Claus Is Coming to Town? Well, there's a little song in it that can be applied to just about everything we do in our lives. It's called “Put One Foot in Front of the Other”, and it goes like this...

“Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walking 'cross the floor
You put one step in front of the other
And soon you'll be walking out the door.”

There's more to it but this is the part I want to talk about.

Spring is finally here and with it has come pleasant weather, at long last! Many of us will be stepping outside to enjoy it, each in our own way, and others will be enjoying it from inside. Within our “clan” there are enthusiasts of all kinds... campers, puzzlers, gardeners, bikers, painters, “yoga-ers”, woodworkers, gymnasts, singers, guitarists, Scouts, water lovers, photographers, adventurers, needle workers, computer gamers, animal lovers, “cooker-outters”, “hoverboard-ers”, porch sitters, walkers, runners, “never-sit-still-ers” (you know who you are, Robin, Chrissy & Jules), sports players and so many more. Whatever it is that you do, do it with all of your heart. “Heart” is the key word here.

As for me, I'm a walker. Now, more than ever, I understand the importance of getting up off of our backsides and “putting one foot in front of the other”. It may well save our lives. Heart disease has plagued our family for generations. There are things we can do to keep from being one more name for our children and grandchildren to report in their family's medical history. Let's be positive examples for them and help them to develop healthy habits. Make your (and their) health a priority. Take them for walks, bike rides, swims...anything. Just get moving. My goal is to make an impression that just might help to save the life of someone I love 🥰.

Sooo...I've registered to walk in The American Heart Association's Heart Walk on May 21, 2021 in San Marcos. As you probably suspect, I signed up to walk in memory of Jason and Popz. Since that time, I've become a heart attack survivor so I'll be walking in my name, too. I'll be hitting the pavement or gym every day and will post pics of the places I've walked in each month's newsletter. Watch out Appalachian Trail ... I wish 😊

A ~

Get in touch with us at Momz or Angie.